Hi Daisy, Hope everything is going well. I received great responses to it (from national audience of listeners)! Al Cole.
In this live interview, Daisy Gallagher was the sole guest for the one hour of the People of Distinction nationally broadcast program. Al Cole extrapolates from Daisy Gallagher a wide range of important topics; from her role as a government contractor and the first woman owned business on the GSA AIMS schedule and the first of twenty in the nation to be awarded the AIMS schedule, to what it is like to be a woman in business in America, including the obstacles, challenges and opportunities facing her and other women today based on her own experience and the results of the most comprehensive study made in American history. Listen to the informative and heartfelt conversation between Al Cole and Daisy Gallagher on diversity & inclusion. Learn what she says about sustainability from her more than twenty five years expertise and leadership of award winning marketing initiatives in that field – and as President of the Green Meeting Industry Council Mid Atlantic Chapter – take away her observations where we are headed both from an environmental and economic standpoint in the 21st Century. And hear what Al Cole asks her after he commends her as founder of her company and the many successes over the years she has accumulated including hundreds of awards & recognitions for business and community leadership and as a business leader and marketing guru — get her poignant advice and lessons learned on starting, maintaining and succeeding in business, find out about Daisy Gallagher’s new book and learn of some upcoming important initiatives which affects all of us in one way or another and lots more….a not to be missed…..